
I set up School Staff Surveys after my local school (where I am a Governor) wanted to run a staff survey. We found that the only companies that would do it for us would charge us thousands of pounds. This seemed like a lot of money just to ask some questions and make some graphs.

In the end, I set up a Google Form to do the survey for free. This worked, but it was a bit clunky and the school admin staff still keep coming back to me to update it for them.

So here is an alternative. SchoolStaffSurveys.com. It isn’t free, but it is much cheaper than using a specialist consulting firm, and much easier than using SurveyMonkey or Google Forms. It is completely free to try it out. You can collect as many responses as you like and you will see the first response graphed before you pay anything. Once you are happy it works for you, you pay a small fee to unlock the full results.

Please contact me if you have any questions: bruce@schoolstaffsurveys.com


Bruce Greig